Best Paper Award (BPA)

AAOU Best Paper Award (BPA) goes to individuals whose papers have relevance of content to the theme and sub-themes of the conference and have a significant contribution to ODL.

Selection of Candidates by Host Institution

Each year, AAOU will present the Best Paper Award comprising one gold medal and two silver medals for deserving candidates. Prior to the AAOU Annual Conference, the Academic Committee of the host institution will undertake to shortlist 12–15 papers for the Adjudication Committee to consider.

Adjudication Committee

Adjudication Committee comprising leading practitioners of open and distance learning (ODL) in the region who are well known within the AAOU community will be appointed by the AAOU President. The Committee comprises a Chair and at least two members, who shall come from different institutions.

The Committee will select the best six papers as finalists from the shortlisted papers. The winners for the Best Paper Award will be determined by the Committee after their assessment of oral presentations by the six finalists during the Conference.

Assessment Procedure and Criteria

The shortlisted papers for the Best Paper Award shall be forwarded via the AAOU Secretary-General to the Adjudication Committee who shall then evaluate the papers according to the following criteria:

  • Submitting a full text;
  • Relevance of content to the theme and intended sub-themes of the conference;
  • Contribution to ODL;
  • Quality of innovation/analysis; oath
  • Quality of writing.

On the basis of an evaluation of the shortlisted papers, the Adjudication Committee shall present their recommendations of the six finalists for further assessment of oral presentations during the Conference.

At the oral presentation session, the following criteria will be assessed:

  • Presentation content;
  • Organization and flow;
  • Visual aids and posture/appearance;
  • Delivery; and
  • Ability to answer questions.

The Adjudication Committee will then make the final decision on the papers to be awarded.